So Apple launched 4 iphones this year. An iPhone 12mini, regular iphone 12 a pro model and a pro max model. Every iphone has a circular magnetic field inside the phone for wireless charging.
So Apple is doing wireless charging for a couple of years now and others are doing so. But nobody actually added any magnetic field to accurately do the charging. Because if you put your phone in the wireless charger in the wrong position, it will not charge or it will charge very slowly.
So what Apple is doing is using the magnet to correctly putting the phone or attaching the phone with the wireless charger but why didn't they do it earlier? Ok Apple do things a little bit late cause they want to be more practical than others but putting some magnets into a phone is not a huge thing to do.
But here is the real thing. Apple is going completely portless and being wireless from 2021 as the leaks told. So you have to charge your iphone wirelessly every time.
So Apple is making their users comfortable with the new magnetic setup. They also added some new covers and accessories to work with the magnets in the phone.
So what do you think about the phone.
Let us know in the comments.